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Ashley S. MacSuga-Gage, Ph.D.

Clinical Associate Professor of Special Education and Special Education Program Area Leader
School of Special Education, School Psychology and Early Childhood Studies

Ashley MacSuga-Gage, Ph.D. is a Clinical Associate Professor of Special Education at the University of Florida and serves as the Special Education Program Area leader for the college’s department of Special Education, School Psychology, and Early Childhood Studies (SESPECS). She earned a Ph.D. in Special Education from the University of Connecticut where she studied Positive Behavior Support (PBS), School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS), and Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA).Her specific research interests include identifying and supporting teachers in the implementation of Class-Wide Positive Behavior Support (CWPBS) practices through the application of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) to professional development (PD) and the implementation, sustainability, and scale-up of SWPBIS efforts. Further, she is a certified SWIS facilitator (including CICO and ISIS-SWIS) and currently serves as a consultant for the Association for Positive Behavior Support (APBS) focusing on network development. Dr. MacSuga-Gage has worked in partnership with the Florida Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (FLPIBIS) Project. Through her work with this project she served as the technical assistance specialist in North Central Florida working with rural and urban school districts. She continues to retain a valid Connecticut State teaching certification in K-12 Special Education and worked as a special education teacher in several urban settings including New York City and Hartford Connecticut. Currently, Dr. MacSuga-Gage coordinates the dual certification special education teacher preparation graduate program at the University of Florida and the disability and society undergraduate minor and graduate certificate program.