Fiona King, Ed.D.
Associate Professor
01.700.9066• fiona.king@dcu.ie
Fiona King is an associate professor in the School of Inclusive and Special Education, Dublin City University (DCU). Fiona began her career as a primary teacher and spent 25 years teaching in a variety of contexts. She moved into teacher education in 2011 as an advisor with the Professional Development Service for Teachers (funded by the Department of Education and Science). In January 2014 she joined St. Patrick’s College of teacher education and now currently works in DCU, Institute of Education where she specialises in the following areas: teachers’ professional learning. social justice leadership and teacher leadership, collaboration and collaborative practices, change, and inclusive practice.
Fiona is Programme Chair for the Professional Doctorate in Education (EdD) in the Institute of Education. She also co-ordinates two modules at initial teacher education level on collaborative practice and leadership for inclusion. She has supervised a number of students at Master’s and Doctorate level, one of whom won the prestigious 2015 Literacy Association of Ireland’s Biennial Award for an Outstanding Master’s Thesis on Literacy.
Her doctoral thesis Developing and Sustaining Teachers’ Professional Learning: A Case Study of Collaborative Professional Development received three awards; IPDA, AERA and BELMAS respectively. Fiona was appointed to the Teaching Council external advisory panel. She is a member of the steering committee for CREATE (Collaborative Research across Teacher Education) within the DCU Institute of Education, and is also a member of the International Professional Development Association (IPDA) committee and Chair of IPDA Ireland. Fiona is an Associate Editor of the fully refereed SSCI Rated international journal, Professional Development in Education, and an associate editor on the new peer reviewed professional journal Practice: Contemporary Issues in Practitioner Education. She is a critical friend to the Teaching Council’s Cosán Working Group looking at teachers’ learning and development and a member of DCU Changemaker Schools Advisory Group. More recently she has become an Affiliate Faculty Member of the Lastinger Center for Learning at the University of Florida.