District Partners
Florida Tutoring Advantage
In the Fall of 2024, Florida school districts expressed interest in participating in pilot programs designed to support and augment their school-based tutoring in reading and/or mathematics.
Pilot program components include:
- District developed and Partner provided In-person tutoring (K-5)
- Instructor-led virtual tutoring (K-5)
- Automated tutoring software (K-5)
- AI-enhanced learning support (6-12)
The Tutoring Services Interest form closed on November 22, 2024.
Who was included in deciding to participate?
Florida K-12 public and public charter school instructional leaders, including but not limited to:
- Superintendents
- Assistant Superintendents
- Chief Academic Officer
- Directors of Teaching and Learning or Special Programs
- Grants Offices
Why participate?
During the Spring of 2025, Florida Tutoring Advantage is contracting with a variety of tutoring partners who provide tutoring services in reading and mathematics to K-5 students and AI enhanced learning support to 6-12 students. Districts chosen to pilot Florida Tutoring Advantage tutoring services:
- Shared their interest areas for tutoring focus (types of tutoring, content area and grade level needs).
- Were matched by the UF Lastinger Center with the tutoring partner(s) who offer tutoring services in the district’s interest area.
- Identified eligible students to receive tutoring partner services.
- Will receive tutoring services from tutoring partners throughout the course of the pilot
- Will share tutoring data to track the impact and effectiveness of the program.
How are students chosen by districts to participate?
District leaders considered multiple factors in the prioritization of students to receive tutoring services, and agreed to make selections based on the following eligibility criteria outlined in Florida Statutes:
Reading (K-5)
- K-5 students who are a Level 1 or 2 on Progress Monitoring data (as defined in 1008.366 F.S.)
- K-5 students who have a substantial reading deficiency (as defined in 1008.25 F.S.)
- K-5 students who exhibit signs of dyslexia
- K-5 students who are English Language Learners (ELL)
Mathematics (K-5)
- K-5 students who are a Level 1 or 2 on Progress Monitoring data (as defined in 1008.366 F.S.)
- K-5 students who have a substantial mathematics deficiency (as defined in 1008.25 F.S.)
- K-5 students who exhibit signs of dyscalculia
- K-5 students who are English Language Learners (ELL)
AI (6-12)
- 6-12 students who would benefit from additional learning supports (as defined in 1002.321 F.S.), as determined by the district.
Check with personnel in your local school district offices or visit the Florida Tutoring Advantage website, where participating districts and schools will be listed, along with additional resources for tutors, educators, districts and other stakeholders.
What happens after Tutor-Partner Matching?
After districts (public and public charter) shared their interest in piloting certain tutoring services, the UF Lastinger Center Florida Tutoring Advantage team matched them with tutoring partner(s) based on a combination of factors, including interest, student performance data, need and district commitment to supporting the program’s goals. In order to receive tutoring partner services, districts agreed to:
- Complete the Florida Tutoring Advantage Tutor Services Agreement
- Utilize a Universal Data Sharing Agreement
- Regularly report data to the Florida Tutoring Advantage program
What is the Universal Data Sharing Agreement?
Privacy and data security are a top priority to the UF Lastinger Center for Learning. Our work maintains the rigorous privacy standards established by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). The Universal Data Sharing Agreement/Guidance and Agreement for Data harmony, Responsibility, Retention, and Sharing (GADRRS) outlines confidentiality and data security expectations between the Center and participating districts.
How will data be shared?
The Florida Tutoring Advantage seeks to demonstrate the relationship between high-impact tutoring and student outcomes. Participating districts will report student tutoring data (e.g. number of sessions, session length, tutor information), and the Florida Department of Education will report student progress monitoring data (Star/FAST levels, support tiers, demographic information). Between these two data sets, the Florida Tutoring Advantage will be able to provide deeper insight into the relationship between tutoring and student achievement.
November 1 | Tutoring Services Interest Form Opens
November 22 | Tutoring Services Interest Form Closes
December 16 | District-Tutoring Partner Match Communication Begins
January 2025 | Tutoring Services Begin
For direct communication about our programs, including updates or enrollment notifications, submit our Program Interest Form!