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Math Matrix

Pilot Study

In partnership with Microsoft and the Florida Department of Education, the Lastinger Center for Learning is piloting the Math Matrix, an online professional learning system for mathematics educators. 

Two-hundred and fifty participants from across the state of Florida will be selected to support a balanced representation of teachers from different locations, backgrounds and experiences. Volunteer participants will participate in the pilot study starting January 2024. As with any project, privacy and data security are our top priority, so all data will be maintained confidentially.

Who is eligible?

  • K-12 mathematics teachers, educators, specialists and coaches in Florida 

Why participate?

As a result of participating in the pilot study, educators will:

  • Receive FREE enrollment in the Math Matrix 
  • Earn a $1,000 completion stipend upon successful completion of courses and participation in a focus group
  • Gain up to 60 professional learning hours
  • Receive one-on-one support & feedback 
  • Implement new instructional strategies through job-embedded practice 
  • Help inform future professional learning for mathematics educators

When does enrollment begin?

Enrollment is now closed. Please fill out our Program Interest Form if you would like to receive emails about future offerings.

A quote that says  ”Learning about the difference between deficit-based learning and strength-based learning made me aware of when I focused more on the students’ weaknesses rather than their strengths.”


Contact Mathematics Coordinator Dr. José De León Alejandro at for questions related to participating in the Math Matrix 2023 Pilot Study.