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Lastinger Center’s Raquel Diaz named first Latina FLAEYC President

Lastinger Center’s Raquel Diaz named first Latina FLAEYC President

Lastinger Center for Learning Senior Partnerships Manager Raquel Diaz, Ed.D., is on her way to take her 2023 presidential role head-on as the first Latina president of the Florida Association for the Education of Young Children (FLAEYC).  Diaz has been an active...
Florida K–12 Mathematics Teachers’ Credentials and Preparation

Florida K–12 Mathematics Teachers’ Credentials and Preparation

A report published by Lastinger Center Director of Mathematics and Reseach Scientist Zandra de Araujo and collaborators at the Pardee RAND Graduate School shares the findings from the 2022 Learn Together Surveys to understand the composition and preparation of...
Math Nation expands for greater student outcomes

Math Nation expands for greater student outcomes

In 2012, roughly 50% of Florida’s high school students were proficient in Algebra 1, with proficiency rates under 20% in some districts¹. Responding to the need to significantly improve Algebra 1 achievement in Florida, the UF Lastinger Center for Learning partnered...
UF Lastinger Center and partners awarded $1 million IES grant

UF Lastinger Center and partners awarded $1 million IES grant

The UF Lastinger Center for Learning and partners from the UF College of Education and UNC-Chapel Hill FPG Child Development Institute received a $1 million award, funded entirely by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES), to develop, pilot, evaluate and scale the...
Launching Year 2 of the Pinellas Early Literacy Initiative

Launching Year 2 of the Pinellas Early Literacy Initiative

With not an empty chair to be found, more than 300 teachers filled the ballroom the morning of the Pinellas Early Literacy Initiative (PELI) Year 2 kickoff celebration. These Pinellas County school district teachers gathered to learn about the program, the successes...